BBS Toolkit
BBS Toolkit.iso
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110 lines
PCBOARD is a registered trademark of Clark Development Company, inc.
*:::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ DISCLAIMER ]:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*
CHANGE.EXE by Bill Shields is released to public domain.
CHANGE.EXE is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or implied.
This includes without limitation the fitfulness to a particular
purpose or application and any warranties of merchantability. While I tried
to be as thorough as possible while debugging CHANGE.EXE, I shall not be
liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special, or consequential
arising from a failure of CHANGE.EXE to operate in a manner desired by the
user. I shall not be liable for any damage to data or property which may
by caused directly or indirectly by use of CHANGE.EXE.
In no event will I be liable to you for any damages, including any lost
profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising
out of your use or inability to use the program, or for any claim by any
other party.
CHANGE.EXE was designed to give a SYSOP the ability to give their asst(s)
more control over their conferences. With this program ALL conferences could
be made private. Those requesting access to a conference (via message or
script) could be given access by the asst (through the use of a password).
I use this system to reduce the overhead of managing my (closed military)
BBS. When a new-user logs on to my system they are greated with two options
(comment and goodbye). If they knew the name of the door and the password
(which could be given by me or any of my assistants) they would execute this
program to increase their security level to a level that gives them one more
menu option; BULLETINS. Bulletin #1 is the rules to the board, it just so
happens that the password to the UPGRADE door is at the end of the rules. By
typing in the password they acknowledge and agree to abide by the rules of
the board. After typing in the password they have full access to the main
board and selected conferences (which are provided by CHANGE).
This system serves a number of purposes. The first is that by making all
conferences private I can leave the board public (all messages/files in the
main board are private). If I need to let a "guest" on the system I can
increase their access and control where they roam (by giving them the door
name and password; verbally). Second, I know they read the rules (because
without them they wouldn't have upgraded). Third, my sysops can give access
to someone they have to have on the system without having to put me in the
loop (for only their conference).
I let PCBOARD handle the PASSWORD management (via the door). I have
"LOCKOUT" doors placed throughout the DOORS.LST file to discourage hacking
(OPEN 1 will always lock'm out).
=====[ LOCKOUT DOOR ]=====
CALLERUP [LOCKOUT] User locked out!
SENDCOM CR Hmmm, Caught ya hacking around eh? Your locked out! CR
======[ END OF DOOR ]=====
NOTE: CALLERUP is another Freeware/non-nagware product I made to update the
callers log (it knows what node your on for multi-node systems). SENDCOM is
also Freeware/non-nagware, it sends commandline (or file) to active
communication port (reads PCBOARD.SYS file).
NOTE: The following screen produced by executing CHANGE.EXE with no parameters.
CHANGE Ver 1.4 Requires PCBOARD's USERS.SYS file.
Usage: CHANGE [/L0:N|R] [/Cx:N|R] [/Rx:N|R] [/Px:N|R] [SEC:level]
[MSG:N|R] [JNC:conference]
N|R is a Number or Range of numbers.
N ...... /Cx:1,5,7,20,122 (Specific conferences delimited with commas)
R .... /Cx:70-75 (Range of conferences separated by a dash)
x ║ SYSOP ║ SCAN /L0: ... Locked out ("L")
═══╬════════╬══════ /Cx: ... Registered ("R")
0 ║ NO ║ NO /Rx: ... Registered/Expired ("RX")
1 ║ YES ║ NO /Px: ... Public access only (" ")
2 ║ YES ║ YES SEC: ... Assign security level
3 ║ NO ║ YES
================================[ EXAMPLE ]==============================
CHANGE SEC:50 /C2:5 /R3:1-4 /R3:10 /C3:11,13,15 MSG:5
SEC:50 Change Security level to 50
MSG:5 Message left in conference 5 (i.e. about SYSOP access)
/C2:5 Registered in conference 5 (SYSOP and SCAN)
/R3:1-4 Registered/Expired conference 1 thru 4 (SCAN)
/R3:10 Registered/Expired conference #10 (SCAN)
/C3:11,13,15 Registered in conference 11,13,15 (SCAN)
13 Nov, 91 .... Added MSG:N|R parameter. This tells PCBOARD that messages
were recieved for the individual. The "NEXT" time the individual logs in
they will be greated with the message
@FIRST@, Mail found in the following conference(s)..
"conferences specified above"
This option was designed to be use in conjunction with a utility that places
message(s) in the PCBOARD message base.
13 Nov, 91 .... Added JNC:conference. Changes the "last conference in"
field. Not exactly sure what I'm going to do with it (grin).